With its newly released musical "TARZAN" in billboard, the theater group reveals some of the secrets of its success...
Grupo de Teatro Amorevo is an organization belonging to the Salesian community (Colegio San Miguel Arcángel, Madrid, Spain) composed of more than 100 people of all ages and dedicated to bring the theatre experience closer to people, specially the youth.
Integrated by actors, technicians and other non-professional production staff, this organization does an impressive work, offering its young members a leisure alternative and a valuable training that will surely take several of them to work in the entertainment industry in the future.
Being this said, it´s important to make clear that the productions carried out by this theatre company could well be considered professionals, being well above what has traditionally been classified as "amateur theater". Good proof of this can be found in the huge technical and scenographic demands necessary for his last production currently on the billboard: the musical "TARZAN".
Presented for the first time in Spain as an adaptation of the successful Broadway musical released in 2006, this work requires a large number of actors and technicians whose coordination is absolutely necessary.
This is why the theatre group recently acquired an ALTAIR dual-channel wireless intercom system, with which Amorevo members hope to be able to represent works unthinkable without this type of equipment.
The choice of this play is undoubtedly striking, since its enormous technical difficulty would make it be discarded immediately by most non-professional theatre companies. Nevertheless Amorevo has dared to represent it and the result is fabulous.
As the coordinators of the group commented, the key to the success of the function lies in the altruistic effort of all members, from young actors and technicians, sewing personnel, scenery or direction, to all the friends and relatives who support the company with small donations.
Musicals are indeed highly demanding representations, and in this case, given the danger and technical difficulty added by the acrobatic aspect of the play, the use of an intercom system was absolutely necessary. According to the Technical Coordinators, Rafael Justo and Cristian Pascual, the use of an intercom system means a warranty not only for the good result of the representation, but for the actors safety.
With an ALTAIR WBS-202 dual-channel base station, two EM-202 dual-channel cable intercom beltpacks and six WBP-200HD wireless beltpacks, Amorevo has now all the necessary equipment to face this type of representations, being able to coordinate the stage manager, stage crew, technicians and access control.
Following the indications given by ALTAIR specialists, Amorevo technicians installed the base station in the technical area located on the side of the stage box, providing wireless coverage to the technicians who mainly move on the sides, rear part of the stage and cannon lights positions. The non-mobile remote positions, such as sound control, are equipped with cable beltpacks connected to the base station via standard 3-wire cable with XLR connectors.
As for the facilities, the company works in a large theatre dependent on the Salesian Community. This theatre, with capacity for more than 1000 spectators, has an enviable technical equipment and has been recently fitted with new armchairs.
We want to send our most sincere congratulations to Amorevo Theatre Group, for the great result of the musical, and for its impressive educational and social work.